Dream interpretation about Car, Group, Help, Sister
I took a wrong exit on the freeway and ended up in a Amtrak railroad yard and my car I was suddenly facing the wrong way, and I almost drove off the edge of a high-rise pillar railroad track. I thought I was going to die for a second, but I didn't. I needed to get help to get my car off the track somehow and I was standing there on the street looking up at my car thinking how on earth am I going to get my car off of that track. my sister ended up showing up and I felt happy that she was there. there was also a group of people gathered. I helped coordinate an effort that if we all picked up a corner of the car we could lift it and i could get back on the road. we were all thinking it was going to be super heavy and almost impossible to lift. We braced ourselfs for heavy lifting. we all got our edge of the car and started lifting and suddenly it was really light and I was like I got this by myself and I carried the car down to a safe area so that I could get back on the road and I really wanted my sister to drive the rest of the way but we never did end up getting back on the road she commented how lucky i was to be alive and that i could have died. I felt happy to be getting back on the road with her.
Dream date:
9 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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