Dream interpretation about Death, Friend, Feeling, Food
I remember being in a small and quaint town. Something I would picture to be like Oregon with the trees and the hills and the small shops filling the small roads. It was muggy out. I walked into a donut shop and I visited this spot along with other donut shops multiple times throughout the dreams trying to find the perfect jelly donut. When I walk into this one shop I see an old friend Eva, and she hands me the donuts. We chat for a bit. She tells me it’s Valentine’s Day and I look at her in shock! Is it really Valentine’s Day already? That would mean its Andre’s birthday, and that I need to message Mrs. Moore. I felt bad that the only times I message her are on those hard days like Andre’s death date and his birthday. I do start to suddenly feel his presence. I start looking for Andre around me but I can’t see him, just only feel him.
Dream date:
27 Oct 2024
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