Michael, it's interesting to see how the theme of personal boundaries and shared resources shows up in your dream about the rose water. The frustration you felt towards your boyfriend for overusing something you value suggests a subconscious focus on personal space and the respect for personal belongings within your relationship. The rose water, in this case, could symbolize something precious and personal to you, highlighting the importance of communication and understanding each other's perspectives in a relationship.
The fact that your boyfriend didn't know the purpose of the rose water but was attracted to its scent might point to a desire for deeper connection and understanding. It's possible that you're seeking a sense of being valued and heard by your partner, not just on a superficial level but in a more meaningful way. This dream could be reflecting smaller, perhaps overlooked, aspects of your interactions that add up to a larger need for clarity and mutual respect.
Looking at your previous dreams, there's a theme of unexpected situations and interactions, such as the surprise of the heavy cup of coins or the spontaneous encounter with Van from Venmo. These could be reflecting an element of unpredictability in your waking life, whether in relationships or other circumstances. The dream about the dolphins and the orca brings to mind a playful yet disruptive element—similar to the orca, the overuse of your rose water by your boyfriend disrupted the harmony.
In the dream about arguing over the rose water, the negative feelings were present but not overwhelming, as indicated by the emotions level. This suggests that the issue at hand, while frustrating, may not be deeply distressing but rather something that can be addressed through open dialogue. It's a gentle nudge from your subconscious to be mindful of personal boundaries and to communicate your needs clearly to maintain harmony in your relationship.
Remember to reflect on how these dreams might be echoing feelings or situations in your life that require attention or resolution. Your dreams are giving voice to various aspects of your experiences, inviting you to explore and address them in your waking life.