Dream interpretation about Enemy, Church, Sister, Castle, Running, Forest
So recently i had a dream where i was in the middle of a forrest with my two fake friends from school and my sister. We were walking, and suddenly we saw my two real friends. The suggested we go to church. We went to church but the church was just a bench in the forest with farar and more people praying sitting on the bench too. We all sat on the bench and started prayng. But sunddenly I notuced my enemy from school sitting on the bench too. He stopped praying and started saying bad things to his friend about us. All i heard was that my sister looks yellow like a vitamin. When i saw him, me and one of my fake friends started running because we are terrified of him (he is my fake friend’s enemy too. It ended by us running to a castle full of people
Dream date:
24 Mar 2025
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