Dream interpretation about Searching, Party, Food, Conflict
I'm at this banquet again and I'm the last one to get there and as soon as I get there everyone starts going for the food and there seems to be like some church's fried chicken there and I'm trying to get some but everybody's grabbing the chicken it's fast food chicken right and they're grabbing all the big pieces and I'm trying to grab like a chicken breast and this girl she comes up there this is a girl I went to college with she comes and grabs the piece of chicken and then she grabs this drumstick and tries to give me the drumstick and I'm like I don't want the drumstick so she just throws it on the ground I'm like well why does she even grab it if she didn't want it so I only have like maybe a wing on my plate with some other food so I go around the table and I find that there's some other food that no one's touched it's not fast food this is actually some gourmet food like some chicken and cream and I taste it and it tastes really good and there's some sausages and so I fill my plate with the catered food not the fast food. As I get around the table I'm looking for some hot sauce and there's another guy on the other side of the table that has some haycake bats with hot sauce he gives it to me and I sprinkle some on my plate then I put it back on the table and I'm walking around to look for a seat now and I have a plate full of food and an appetizer with some chips and a guy from a distance points at me he looks upset like I offended him or something he starts following me and I'm walking down these steps trying to find my seat because I have all this food now but I don't have a seat and I drop my chips and some other guys hold him back because obviously he's upset I did something I offended him and I'm still looking for my seat and well the dream ends I never ended up finding a seat and being able to eat my food
Dream date:
25 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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