Vroselyn, your dream provides a rich tapestry of emotions and interactions that seem to mirror some unresolved issues in your waking life. The setting of the house, which is both familiar and unfamiliar, suggests a deep connection to your family but also indicates that certain aspects of your family life may feel out of place or unsettling right now. Your conflict with your sister Jenny, where you felt unheard and overtalked, reflects an underlying tension and possibly a sense of being overlooked or undervalued within familial relationships. The fact that you felt other family members shared your perspective could indicate that this is a recurring theme in your family dynamics.
The interaction with your co-worker, who took on the role of a friend in the dream, adds another layer of complexity. Your search for nail polish remover symbolizes a desire for self-care and personal attention, which was interrupted by your co-worker's demands. This part of the dream seems to highlight a conflict between your own needs and the expectations placed upon you by others. Your co-worker's increasing frustration and unreasonable demands evoke the feelings of pressure and guilt you experienced in a past abusive relationship, showing how those past traumas might still be influencing your current interactions.
Your emotional journey in the dream, from feeling pressured and hurt to self-blaming and finally seeking comfort from your eldest sister Melory, indicates a significant internal struggle. Melory's support and your eventual ability to stand your ground against your co-worker show your resilience and the importance of seeking support from those who care about you. This part of the dream emphasizes the necessity of self-affirmation and the value of having a supportive network.
The concluding scenes of the dream, where you enjoy the company of your family and friends, suggest a resolution and a return to a more harmonious state of being. Seeing your dad enjoying himself also adds a touch of warmth and reassurance, indicating that despite the conflicts and emotional turmoil, there is still a foundation of love and joy in your family.
Overall, Vroselyn, this dream seems to be a reflection of your ongoing journey towards balancing your own needs with the expectations of others, healing from past traumas, and finding strength in supportive relationships. It's a powerful reminder of your resilience and the importance of self-care and seeking comfort from those who truly understand and support you.