Dream interpretation about Blood, Gun, War, School, Party, Sword, Running, Video Game
OK, so in this dream which I did not think was a dream at first, it started off by me and my fiance Brice waking up at like 2 AM and just messing around and being stupid and then we started playing Genshin impact. I discovered that now on Genshin impact, you can have like a boyfriend or a girlfriend on there and I was like “oh that’s so cute”. Like what the heck I’m excited to play this and then he leaves the room and I’m about to fall asleep. I see behind me freaking bloody rose waters from Original Sin and I scream for Brice. I don’t really remember anything after that then I started having a dream that I was at this house with a whole bunch of kids like I don’t even know who’s house it was, but I walked outside and I was ready for Brice to come pick me up, but this group of people with swords started being “ bro, we’re gonna come get you” and I was like “no what the hell” so I kept having to get away from them . I took their sword and bent it and tied around her neck because the first person was a girl. then I was running away from them but like jumping away from them like there’s a trapeze and I was swinging off of it from house to house to get away from this dude and it was really scary. then I started having a dream that I was friends with these people and I went to school with them and I was in a quadruple couple with these people. suddenly it was all these people we could turn into tiny little bugs if we wanted to ,then I couldn’t but the rest of the people I knew could. then these other dudes were like big strong dudes that wanted to kill us so the plan was to turn into a whole bunch of poisonous spiders and jump on them and bite them over and over again, but before they could even remember, I was not letting this happen .i’m riding on horses through this maze thing and I’m running at the top of the maze with this fat ass blast gun like the one that the ghoul has on fallout and just shooting folks pew, pew, pew, and then eventually I get shot, but I’m OK like I’m chilling, but I like killed the main dude and I was like surrender and it was a war and then by the end of it was like we were back in high school or something like oh my God back at the house by the way from the first dream, throwing a Halloween party like best party ever doing like a slip and slide and then eating a huge cake that we put on the ground and we put like a wax paper on top of it and you’re supposed to like step on the piece that you want and when you lift up the wax paper, it should be a perfectly good piece. That was really weird.
Dream date:
2 Jun 2024
Emotional tone:
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