Dream interpretation about Fear, Car, Money, Relationship, Hair, Being Lost, Losing Voice
I reconnected with my niece and she was catching me up with her life. She mentioned that she did a spiritual practice where they enter through a wound in your body to cleanse and see what’s been in your body. She said she discovered that way that her boyfriend was continuously cheating on her etc. so she finally had the courage to leave him. I went to the practice she mentioned just to get an estimate on the procedure and they told me it would cost about 700$ and I couldn’t afford that and for some reason the sun ruin device sucked a. But of my hair and scared me since some hair came off from my scalp. In another part of my dream I was driving a my car but for some reason I couldn’t see from within my car my windows were foggy at night and I was scared of a car hitting me or me hitting a car. My car was spinning around in a circle as I was trying to gain control of my car.
Dream date:
29 Jan 2025
Emotional tone:
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