Dream interpretation about Rape, House, Man, Locked Door, Neighborhood, Panic
this wasn’t the last dream i had, but rather a dream i really want an analysis on. It months ago but i remember it like it was yesterday. I had a very vivid dream that was was going to these peoples house to babysit their kid. i’ve never seen a neighborhood that looked like this in real live. it was a very sunny day. the people who i was babysitting for lived on a hill like beautiful neighborhood. when i got to the house nobody was around and and nobody was at the house. i walked through their glass door and then their regular door and entered the house. it was a vintage smaller house with classy wallpaper from what i could remember, and there was no child at the home. so when i got inside i closed the door behind me but i could see something in the peep hole. when i looked out i saw a man running at full speed towards the door so i immediately tried to lock it but the door had no lock. i stepped away from the door and the man slowly stepped in. there was a time blur and then i remember being brutally r*ped very vividly. when i woke up i was in a panick and felt awful.
Dream date:
5 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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