Dream interpretation about Alien, Tiger, Friend, Fun, Boyfriend, Stairs, Cloud
So I had this really cool dream about there was like an alien convention, almost like a fair or, you know, a carnival. And there was a leopard and there was a tiger and then there was their kid. It was the leopard-tiger hybrid, but the owner was running around this grassy area with them and they were tackling him. It looked like they were going to kill him, but at the same time they were all just playing and you could tell the guy was fine. And we were riding around in this convertible car and it was just, it was so much fun. A couple of my friends were there, my boyfriend was there, and there was this huge staircase in like an auditorium or something. And it took us like all afternoon to climb all the way up to the top and when you were at the top you were like in the clouds. It was really cool. There was nothing scary in the dream. There was nothing, you know, no nightmare aspects to it at all. It was just all fun. And I woke up at 6 a.m. bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready for the day. It was a good dream.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2025
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