Dream interpretation about Fear, Friend, Night, Hotel, Classroom, Dancing
I was in a shopping centre with my friend and we got curious how it looked like in the luxurious hotel. So we went inside the lobby and we saw a man with a black suit and a black hat like in the 90's wealthy people. So we decided to go to to the 4th floor and there was a lecture there for some reason. It was a big classroom. Me and my friend sat somewhere and we listened. A girl Infront of me was taller than me and I couldent see. When we got out of there, we kinda wanted togl go more to the top of the hotel but we were scared so we just left. Everything was so vibrant and bright even tough it was the night. I even remember seeing people dance on a big balcony in the hotel while me and my friend were looking up at them.
Dream date:
28 Feb 2025
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