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Dream Interpretation: Windshield 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Windshield? Discover the significance of seeing a Windshield in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Windshield appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

A windshield in a dream represents clarity and vision. It may indicate that you have a clear view of your goals and the path you need to take to achieve them. Alternatively, it may suggest that you need to protect yourself from outside influences that could obscure your vision.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the condition of the windshield in your dream. Is it clean and clear or dirty and obstructed? This may reflect your current state of mind and the clarity of your thoughts. If the windshield is damaged, it may indicate that you need to repair or replace something in your life that is hindering your progress. Focus on maintaining a clear perspective and protecting yourself from negative influences.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a windshield may evoke feelings of protection, clarity, and forward movement. It symbolizes the ability to see clearly and navigate through life's challenges. This dream may bring a sense of security and assurance, as the windshield acts as a barrier against external elements. It signifies the need to have a clear vision and focus on the path ahead. The dream may also represent the desire for protection and the need to shield oneself from potential harm or obstacles. Overall, the dream of a windshield elicits emotions of safety, direction, and the ability to overcome obstacles.





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Dreams of users containing the word Windshield

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15 Jun 2024



My dream last night was starting out in darkness period. I was in a house, and it appeared to be my own house, and I was in my bedroom, which I think it was my bedroom, and there was just dirty clothes everywhere, and like dirt piles. It was just in disarray, period. And then it switched over to this boy who got hit by a truck, and then the next thing, he was okay, and he found his toys that he was missing in the bedroom of the house that I was in, period. And then the next part was, I was driving in a truck with my dad, and there were other people in the vehicle, I don't know who they were, and we were all laughing, and one of the men pulled his pants down and was moaning dad while he was driving, and I remember laughing and looking back through the windshield, and there was another vehicle in back of us with a bunch of men, and they were all laughing, and I remember we were driving by a house, and it was like set up, but again, there were men on the porch, and they were all laughing, and it was actually during the day, as I remember. I remember it being white out, period. I also remember about the little boy that was hit by the truck. I remember this woman, who I believe to be his mother, was happy that he was okay, and that he found his toys in my bedroom, period.

7 Apr 2024



my sister made a joke about wanting a drink and i went home and she told me she eas going home and than ended up in my parking spot with her car damaged arrested by the cops bleeding and whet looks like she went into her windshield she was okay but she was drunk and i blammed myself for leaving her and i was crying my eyes out blamming myself for leaving her side

22 Feb 2024



I was a young teen in hospotal/rehab type facility. There were probably 16-20 girls in 1 room. Similar to a hotel room. Beds lined both walls bathroom at the end. The head boards of our beds were pickup truck windshields and front clip of trucks. Every morning there would be a letter written on each windshield. Each letter meant something. The only letter I can remember the meaning to is the letter V. V meant the Devil was after you and he was close. I was terrified and started running. I saw someone in the hallway. I don't remember if it was a man or woman but they told me to go left down the hallway and get on the elevator. Go to the top floor. Go right when I got off of the elevator. Go all the way to the end and the lord would be there to save me. I followed the instructions. When the elevator doors opened at the top floor it was the nursery. I saw several babies thru the glass but no adults. In fact the only adult at all was the one that gave me the directions. I ran down the hallway and saw a bright light. I could see the silhouette of a person but couldn't see their face. It had on a long white glowing gown and was so bright it made me squint and hurt my eyes. As I got closer he opened his arms and I ran straight into them. He wrapped his arms and robe around me and I wasnt scared anymore and I woke up. I had that dream when I was 17. I'm now 46and I remember it in great detail like I dreamt it this morning. I have only forgotten small details like the meaning of other letters and if the person in the hallway was male or female. The rest I'll probably never forget. V meant the devil was close. In the Bible V means victory. I didn't know that then. I don't know if there's any connection there.

21 Feb 2024



I dreamt that I was on a trip in a country in an eastern country with my family and we were having a lot of fun for once. My mom was driving and we were talking nicely then there was like an opaque sheet that fell on the windshield and I don’t know why but it felt like it was coming from an evil spirit. My mom had to stop the car because we couldn’t see the road anymore and when we got out of the car everything was pitch black outside when it was daylight just before. I was feeling watched by the entity like it was a curse on us. Then some of my friends came by to check on us out of nowhere and they looked very concerned. My friend who is into psychedelics was here and was trying to understand where could that evil entity come from. Before I woke up I felt this dark sheet on my face trying to suffocate me

2 Feb 2024



Getting glass stuck in my hand from touching my windshield

26 Jan 2024



Was riding in a car with my best friend and my sister sister when the car fell into a ditch I broke the back windshield window and climbed out to help my sister and best friend out the car. Then I was being chased all through a town by a glowing giant who kept repeating he was coming for me and he’s going to get me, then I was riding in the car with my grandmother when we came to a stoplight and these guys were motioning that there was something hanging out my grandmothers door. She opens the door and looks at me and it was as if some type of animal stabbed her with its body where she began to bleed out her mouth stating she was just fine and she’s going to be just fine and I told her I think she should go to the hospital but she just kept saying I’m ok I’m just fine

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