Dream interpretation about School Shooting, Love, Flying, Sacrifice
i had a dream i was at school and for some reason veronica and sarah were there and we had an arcade at my school. i was taking a long time on the game that i told them to go ahead, then when i finished i got lost and couldn’t find the arcade again. i bumped into a meeting for teachers and saw me melo and ms rigin. i found jada and the girl infrount of me was texting a boy weird things. i got a bad feeling and told jada i love her. when we got outside there was two guys and th y had flutes that turned into guns. i dodged all the bullets until they started throwing other things at me and got shot in the leg. then i flew away to get help for the school but when i got there they didn’t understand me and i didn’t know how to tell them i needed help
Dream date:
4 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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