Hey Rein! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. Dreams are fascinating windows into our subconscious mind, and they often carry symbolic meanings that can shed light on our emotions and experiences. In your dream, where your sister spit in your bed and you cried, it seems to reflect a sense of violation and emotional distress.
This dream could symbolize a breach of trust or boundaries within your relationship with your sister. The act of spitting can represent feelings of disrespect, anger, or even betrayal. Your bed, being a personal space associated with comfort and security, may signify the invasion of your emotional sanctuary. Your emotional response of crying suggests deep hurt and vulnerability in response to this violation.
Considering your previous dreams, such as the one involving weird creatures and the ability to pop your body like bubble wrap, it appears that there may be a recurring theme of feeling vulnerable and having your personal boundaries crossed. These dreams might indicate some underlying issues related to trust, self-esteem, or assertiveness in your waking life.
It could be beneficial to reflect on your relationship with your sister and explore any recent conflicts or unresolved issues that may have triggered these dreams. Communication and setting clear boundaries with loved ones can be crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, if these dreams consistently evoke strong emotions or cause distress, it might be helpful to discuss them further with a trusted friend or professional who can provide support and guidance.
Remember, dreams are complex and multifaceted, so my interpretation is just a starting point. Reflecting on your own emotions, experiences, and the context of your life can help you uncover deeper meanings specific to you.