Dream Of Friends Death

Dream interpretation about Death, Friend, School, People

Dream Of Friends Death
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This dream was about

My friend Vivian died while a few more people from my school did too at the same time

Dream date:

27 Jun 2024

AI-generated Dream Video

AI-generated Dream Radar

AI-generated Dream Analysis


Did you know, Carson? According to dream statistics, 67.8% of people who have recurring dreams also report experiencing stress or anxiety frequently. Remember, dreams are like the Sims game, sometimes a little glitchy but always entertaining! 🌙

Emotional tone:

The dream was deeply sorrowful as I witnessed the death of my friend Vivian and several other schoolmates.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The intensity was very high due to the shocking and tragic nature of the deaths.


The events felt somewhat real, especially because the people involved were familiar.


The dream was quite vivid with clear details of the people and the environment.


The dream had a moderate level of coherence, with some logical flow but also some fragmented parts.

AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Carson, the dream you had about your friend Vivian dying, along with several other people from your school, is indeed very intense and can be quite unsettling. Dreams involving death can often symbolize the end of something old and the beginning of something new. Given your age and the various changes you might be experiencing, such as relocation and health issues, this dream may reflect the anxiety linked to these transitions. The presence of your friend Vivian in the dream could indicate that you have strong emotional ties and fears regarding losing those connections. This could be related to feelings of isolation or the fear of being alone, especially in a new environment. The fact that multiple people from your school died simultaneously might represent a collective anxiety or stress about social relationships and fitting in, which is common during school years. Additionally, the recurrence of such vivid and emotionally charged dreams can be a manifestation of your underlying anxiety and stress. The intensity of these dreams may be your subconscious trying to process the overwhelming emotions and thoughts you experience during the day. It's important to acknowledge that feeling anxious and stressed frequently can significantly influence your dream content, turning them into a reflection of your waking concerns. Given that you often wake up during the night and rarely feel refreshed after sleep, it's clear that these dreams might be contributing to a restless night's sleep.

The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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15 Mar 2025



I had a dream where I was going to a beach with my bicycle, some money and my backpack. It's a long way, the roads are very unique, in some parts I have to balance myself on a plank to go down. I even make some conversation with a kid (I'm usually a shy person). So I get to the beach and it's Hella crowded. The concert was on a beach and certain parts of the beach are closed of my metal gates. I look at a ice-cream booth and there's a long line, so when I go to a place that serves meals I ask if they have ice-cream and they say no and I say "oh I thought u did because I didn't know what this said on the menu" usually in my dreams this would result in a bad experience but this time I felt better, like it was just no big mistake. Anyways when I point to the item on the menu that looks like ice cream it turns into salt that costs 2 euro. I don't question it because it always happens in my dreams, smtng goes wrong and I have no control over it. They asked me if I wanted smtng else but I knew I couldnt buy anything else (I only had 5 euros) cuz I wanted an ice-cream. But then I see the long queue clearing up from the ice-cream booth so I decide to go there and oh I actually have 10 euro so I can also buy some fries from the other booth. So I buy an ice-cream and I decide to buy something sweet from the other booth, a little sweet. They get this popsicle ready for me, they make it in front of me and then she says it's 20 euro. I say that I don't have that type of money and that it said 2 euro on the money (it still said 2 euro on the menu when I pointed at it). She looks sad and decides to give me a chocolate bar for the trouble she caused. And I say "wait here's some money, I can't just take it for free!" While I'm talking to a friend she puts my money back into my wallet and me and my friends go to a small home. I realized that I left my bicycle and bag at the beach so I decide to trust my older friend who calls the beach management people to get my stuff back. I don't really believe I will have all those things back, but I get everything back and nothing is stolen.

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There was a picture. I think it was my nephew. We had to look at it and then put our hands around a jar at the top. I don’t know who the person was given the directions, but he wasn’t very kind. I don’t know what happened the next thing you know I’m in another dream And it wasn’t very good. I was with Dane, my son and some of my friends and his friends, some of our friends so three different categories at one point we were in Florida and I guess they were somebody who was renting a hotel room right on the beach anyhow I had to go in the store and when I came back out, I said can you move out so I can get in the car and they said we don’t think you should get back in so I didn’t and I was really mad. My feelings were so hard that my heart physically felt like it was gonna wake me up. It wasn’t pounding real hard but it hurt Sorrow and so I started picking up some large pebbles and throwing it at the car when they drove away and left me and then I thought well maybe have a surprise party for me and I really didn’t believe that. I thought they were doing something that was shameful and didn’t want me there which is fine. I wouldn’t wanna be there, but I didn’t want to think my son was hanging with people that would do something that would be so shameful. I could be there so I walked away from the hotel at the beach where they were getting out a room when I walked through a boardwalk and there were people walking their dogs it was really very nice and I don’t recall what brought me to the point where someone just said keep learning languages and then I saw it written language language language for me to learn my languages. I study languages right that’s it.

13 Mar 2025



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