Dream interpretation about War, Friend, Darkness, Apartment, Home Invasion, Lost
I had a dream where we were in war with each other so I chose one side and did what they told me to do. I made some friends and then later on we realized we chose the wrong side so we ran away and found a hidden entrance to the people that didn’t want to fight at all. The place was cool and the tunnel brought us to another part of the world which ended up at the place I used to live when I was a kid. I brought a group of people with me to the house I grew up in but we got lost and it got dark, I apologized to everyone and they said it was fine. I went to look for my friends in the group but the group was big so I lost them and actually ran into one of the guys who I thought was really cute🥰. Once we found the house we broke into it no one was living in there but it was for sale so we took the sign down and went into the house from one of the boys who could pick locks
Dream date:
19 Aug 2024
Emotional tone:
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