Dream interpretation about Tsunami, Partner, Scream, Crying, Beach, Water
I was going to the beach with my partner. I was excited and ran ahead. But it didn’t look like the beach I was used to. It looked for like how humans craft swimming pools. There was people all over the sand, and no natural cliffs or sand banks around. I wasn’t happy about it, but a beach was a beach. And besides, I was more excited about the water and swimming with my partner. But when I looked at the water, there were only tsunami talk waves. I started to panic. This always happened when I looked at the water. I tried to run with my partner, knowing that the waves were going to swallow everything, but they didn’t. They did something far worse. The ocean became a massive vortex swallowing everything down into it. I screamed and started to fall but my partner grabbed my hand, saving me. The last i remember was screaming, crying, and holding onto my partner for dear life.
Dream date:
28 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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