Dream interpretation about Blood, Storm, Car, Ocean, Girl, House
It started the same as another dream. There was a storm, the ocean was extremely restless and a few people had to go outside for something. I’d gone out to a stone structure offshore, climbed through it to get something, and came back. The storm made it hard to get inside as there were a lot of things flying around other than the huge waves. But I made it in and so did the other people. It shifted to me in the back seat of the car, my mom driving and my sister in front. I was looking out the window and saw a girl on the second story of her house, walking outside her window. My mom was sloweing down so I said “mommy? There’s a girl outside her house.” I didn’t wait for her response before getting out of the car and running out. I stood next to the house, the girl fell and I softened the blow by catching her head but she still hit the pavement. They called 911 but I stayed with the girl, she was bleeding but sat up and I kept her conscious and talking before 911 got there. When they did, they gave gifts to my mom, my sister, then me for saving the girl, then took the girl with them and I didn’t even look at the gifts before I woke up.
Dream date:
28 Feb 2025
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