Dream interpretation about Guilt, Money, Boyfriend, House
I saw $700 in 100 dollar bills just sitting out somewhere and I had decided to take the money and run away with it as I was in need. I later started to feel guilty about taking the money and wanted to return it. I found out it had belonged to a tattoo artist that I had met in passing before. I hadn’t spent any of the money yet because i constantly had a lingering feeling of guilt. I told my boyfriend that I wanted to give the money back to which he said “I spent a lot of it”. I was upset hearing this so I said to just give me what was left and I would figure out how to get the rest back. That’s when my boyfriend said hold on. We ended up going to the bank where my boyfriend pulled out $700 and I asked him where he got that kind of money. He said it wasn’t his or mine but he had pulled more money out of the tattoo guy’s account. I was furious because now we had taken more money from this man and I didn’t know how to explain this all. Now I had to return $1400 instead of $700. There was about $300 left from the first money I had taken so that’s what I had to pay him back. I somehow found his number and called him. I told him about how I was in need and I took his money off the counter, how I couldn’t spend it because of my guilt but how my boyfriend spent a lot of it then how my boyfriend pulled more of his money out. I told him for the amount that was spent I would make payments to him out of my checks till the money spent was paid off. Surprisingly the man wasn’t upset, he sent me his address to come give him back his money. I gave it back and we had a short conversation. What was weird is the house he lived in, in my dream is my boyfriends old house in real life.
Dream date:
2 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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