Dream interpretation about Fighting, Army, Video Game
This was about, like, two instances of video game, something like strategy and team management. in the first one I controlled a starship and we had to take out other starships like something like Star Wars maybe I don't know if we hijacked it or something but you could also take out other bigger starships than the others and you could like board them you build your team first like select which type of soldiers would you want and then equip them with stuff that you took from the starships that you took you know like resources and stuff and craft them and then somehow another starship stole our engine source or something like that and we crashed to the earth and then the game like shifted from Star Wars to like I don't know 70s alien invasion earth like CIA army And then we had missions all over the earth. We had to also build like an army and then board trains like high-speed trains, armored trains to Siberia, going through the Arctic to Europe and basically fight the aliens each section. While also at the same time crafting new things, getting resources and equipping new soldiers with those said resources to get a bigger army to fight bigger alien armies.
Dream date:
16 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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