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Dream About Shooting The Sun Before An Eclipse

Dream interpretation about Died, Shoot, My crush, Moving, Brother, Ice, Sky, Sun

Dream About Shooting The Sun Before An Eclipse
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This dream was about

I shot the sun before the solar eclipse could happen and when I did terrible things came from the sky. My brother was there too(he died in 2016) and he was telling me that It wasn’t safe. Then my crush had shown up and we went to go get ice cream but every time we’d move those weird things would show up to try and stop us

Dream date:

3 Apr 2024

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AI-generated Dream Analysis


👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about My crush by 3.1% less than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The emotional tone is mostly suspenseful. The dreamer experiences fear or anxiety about something bad that may come their way in connection with something they did or are about to do, however it seems dreamer has some relief or comfort from some person who may represent protection, help or love for them in waking life


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


Intense emotions may be experienced due to strong feelings about a person, situation or dilemma that may involve dreamer's life or a part of dreamer's life. There could be some struggle with inner balance and an urge to find a way towards more peace, acceptance, release of control


The dream seems quite realistic and could possibly represent some real life events or waking life concerns mixed with fantasy elements. Deceased brother could represent a part of dreamer's psyche, their inner wisdom or a need for some kind of protection from something


Dream images are very clear and well remembered. This indicates strong impression dream made and may suggest a powerful message dream may contain for the dreamer. It often suggests some significant events that happened or will soon happen in dreamer's life


Some parts of dream may feel disconnected or fragmented but it still has a clear flow of certain events that are well connected through dreamer's perception

Dream symbols





My crush

My crush











AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Myranda, Your dream carries a poignant blend of grief, desire, and a hint of fear. Let's delve into its symbolism to uncover its potential meanings: The act of shooting the sun before the eclipse holds significance. The sun often represents vitality, power, and enlightenment. By interrupting the eclipse, you may have symbolically averted a perceived threat to your sense of self or direction. However, this action seems to have unleashed unforeseen consequences. The "terrible things" that descend from the sky could symbolize overwhelming emotions or challenges that you may be facing. Your brother's presence in the dream, despite his physical absence, suggests that he remains an important emotional anchor for you. His warning that it "wasn't safe" may reflect your own inner concerns or anxieties. The appearance of your crush and your shared pursuit of ice cream amidst these unsettling events indicates a longing for connection and comfort. However, the obstacles you encounter along the way could represent obstacles or fears that hinder your ability to fully embrace this desire.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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