Dream interpretation about Running, Jumping, Wings
So, last night I had a dream and I remember it was outside and it was a lot of running and jumping. What's it called? It was like different, I don't want to say like shape-shifting creatures, but like each of them had their different types. And their different like abilities and how they transform and their speed and everything. But a lot of them were friendly. Some of them were, a lot of them defended like me and what's it called? My friends. And what else? Some of them were like, I don't want to say like romantic, but some of them were like very down for interspecies. Does that make sense? But they weren't like obviously another species. Some of them had wings, some of them didn't. Some of them were fast, some of them weren't. But I do remember them, all of them being humanoid, at least.
Dream date:
15 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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