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Dream About Policeman Shooting Ambulance Delay Nurse Dismissal

Dream interpretation about Haunted house, Ambulance, Police, School

Dream About Policeman Shooting Ambulance Delay Nurse Dismissal
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Last night I had a strange dream. I the passenger in an SUV when we were passing a policeman who was on the side of the road. The policeman faced us and showed his credit card and then shot me. The person in the drivers seat thought that we should pull over and I said, "No way, go home!" So we did. It was a pretty much the definition of a partially-restore, haunted, Victorian style house. I layed down on the couch. While I waited for the driver to come back to my aid. They never back. So l called 9-1-1 and the dispatcher lady said that there were no ambulances available. So I drove myself to the school my mom worked at, it was close by, to explain the situation and try to get help. I walk down the hall only to realize that the teachers and students were going to the buses. So l met my mom, my Aunt Julie, my favorite teacher Mrs. Katzin, and the pastors wife. I asked for help. They just expressed concern and told me that they would pray for me. At this point, I was bleeding a lot. I was left outside on the sidewalk by the bus loading area. I called 9-1-1 again. The same lady answered and said that there was an ambulance available nearby. Before I knew it, the ambulance arrived. The EMT and paramedic were friendly and they got my bleeding under control and got me to the local ER. I got in, but was told that I would have to wait. While I was waiting, I asked for help from the nurse because I felt like I was dying and the nurse dismissed me. They brought a person back that was not nearly as bad as me, and I told them that I needed to go back. They said that the person going back was more critical than me, which I knew wasn't true. He could walk, I couldn't. Finally a nurse took my vitals and saw that I was on the verge of dying and they got me back to a room.

Dream date:

23 Apr 2024

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👨 men of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Dead by 18.2% less than 👧 women.

Emotional tone:

The dream evoked feelings of confusion, fear, and desperation as the dreamer faced life-threatening situations and struggled to get help.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The dream was highly intense, with a sense of urgency and impending danger throughout the narrative.


The dream had elements of surrealism, with a mix of real-world scenarios and fantastical events, leading to a disorienting experience.


The dream was vivid and detailed, with clear and distinct imagery that added to the overall impact of the experience.


The dream had moments of coherence, but also featured disjointed and fragmented sequences, making it challenging to follow a consistent narrative.

Dream symbols

Haunted house

Haunted house







AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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