Dream interpretation about Sex, Party, Woman, Traveling, Feeling
I went to a party at a friends house who I haven’t been to before. Their house was huge and like a maze. I didn’t really want to be there, I was so tired. I then found that all the girls were playing indoor tennis. I began dancing. I liked this guy there but he liked someone else. This guy ended up having sex with me even though he liked someone else. It was good and then in the middle of having sex, he just left. Then I think I went traveling. I was in Indonesia, in this beautiful place with this long spiritual ancient cave. There were rooms you could stay in near the cave. I left my room door open, not afraid of anyone going in and I went into the caves. There was someone in front of me telling me to follow. There were all these beautiful materials hanging everywhere. I felt home. I then ran into this somewhat known influence who is a beautiful women known for her art, beauty and hosts women’s retreats. We talked and we hung out and it was beautiful. I felt like equals.
Dream date:
12 Sep 2024
Emotional tone:
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