Dream interpretation about Sex, Abandoned home, Monsters, Dog, Island, Door, Forest, Map, Walking, Lost
We moved houses a lot in my dream. Different types but the last one didn’t have privacy and someone was talking about it. I had gotten lost somewhere before finding the car to drive. Then at the last house I ended up finding a guinea pig. Then I went off in the forest with someone. I saw a island with a broken tree on the right side and a tall tree on the left. There were red dots on a big map showing where I’d explored but I crossed and wanted to explore more of it. There were these monsters in the sea that looked huge animated mummy with a feral dog/cat zombie head with pharaoh type headdress trying to get me but then when getting to the island that went back down into the deep. Then me and this mysterious person walked around the island until reaching a circular door hotel space. I was in my head saying have sex with but there was another angel not my ex so I said I didn’t want to have sex with my ex just another person who shared the similar first letter A maybe but I woke up at that part
Dream date:
22 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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