Dream interpretation about Lake, Boat, House, Taxi
I needed to go to a place near a Lake with my wife. We took a taxi and when the road got narrow we stopped at a house to take a boat. The taxi driver was invited to come along. there were three women in his taxi too who wanted to come along. I rang the bell of the house and asked the owner if we could go to the back of his house and take a boat. The owner was okay and found my question very normal. Next to the house there was a small barn with a very shallow boat and an inflatable one. It needed to be inflated and I did so with my breath. It just took 4 or 5 blows to pump it up, if was an inflatable for four people. In the mean time I was wondering why I had invited the taxi driver and why I would pay him. But I thought it was a nice thing for him to be out in the open and the costs wouldn’t be too high anyways.
Dream date:
26 Feb 2025
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