Dream interpretation about Stabbed, Famous, Friends, Brother, Crying, Family, Laughing, Phone, Gorilla
I'm famous and there was a plot to kill me. While on vacation I got kidnapped and stabbed 3 times. But then I woke up back in my room. Somehow I survived and had a second chance at life. I went downstairs to ask my family what happened. And noticed all the windows were blocked off. They told me they had planned the whole thing so I need to stay in hiding for a bit. A couple weeks passed and it was now ok for me to go outside again. But that whole time my little brother (C) was collecting all the evidence that I died. Soon there was no evidence that I had died except for rumors on the news. Except for 1 thing. They had left my phone with a gorilla at the zoo. So we had to go figure out how to get that back. After another month C came back home and handed me my phone, somehow still in perfect condition. Then he slapped the top of my head and I started crying and yelled "Mom he hit me! He can't do that, I just died, I'm sensitive" But everyone just laughed, which made me laugh. Then I went on my phone because I wanted to know what was going on and how all my friends were doing. I noticed a bunch of ppl had made posts talking about what I was last wearing, and apparently I had accidentally started a trend. Now everyone is wearing black wedge heel boots with a letter charm on the zipper. But after looking more into it I realized Mom was running the business that was selling the shoes. She had made a profit off of me dieing.
Dream date:
20 Mar 2025
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