Dream interpretation about School, Hotel, Water
At a gathering or in school hallways or at the family event below. Or like a town or neighborhood in this building. I’m observing people and one guy saying he emits a vibe that gets troubled women to obsess on him. I observe it all. Not sure if my own status as a make partner or my sense if what I might bring to relations and what would be attractive. At a party or some kind of family but family like gathering. At a hotel motel. Decide to walk home. Habit. Get all the way near Augusta my present hometown I’m waking state. It’s a country road leading up hill. Not familiar in waking state. And I realize the others I gathered with will. It know I did this and wonder. So I walk back. There everyone getting ready onesies do gathered in a line a hotel or motel lobby. Saying goodbye. Everyone is black, African American, except me and maybe one other person. I note months difference to the others that I am part judge family (maybe by marriage although not clear I am married) even though white. Uncle’s, treated the sane but I felt like outsider. Later at a home w a woman. Partly my current waking state wife Jackie. Not likejycwxare married here. Feel like I have to prove myself something like that feel inadequate. I look for water glass have trouble finding it feels like a test. I have trouble locating it and feel on the spot a little. Finally the boyfriend / husband returns. He’s almost unreal handsome attractive. I feel inadequate. Weakly shake his hand he use life open to connecting w me I’m feeling less than and of course I’m untested in the woman. I ask some cause from him and maybe about business and he directs me to a draw. Somewhere else. Considering taking up a daily costal set of practices. Combining these from various disciples and teachings. Feel printed yo do thus but also nit completely free to do so. .
Dream date:
25 Oct 2024
Emotional tone:
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