Dream interpretation about Car accident, Fear, Arguing, Mother, Brother
I had a dream about me and my classmates doing an assembly getting things prepared and on time etc there was nothing wrong until this kid Ezra ( I don’t like him in real life ) that he was grabbing my arm and I was getting all annoyed and I was dragging him with my weak arms and then kicked him down these steps and I got In trouble then they put me in this trouble room and it wasn’t to bad but then everything changed to my brother driving after he recked his car when we were pulling in the neighborhood my brother started to turn slowly a little to the right and I was screaming yo Merrill watch out dude!!!! Then we crashed ran towards the house saying HOW DO YOU CRASH 2 TIMES IN THE SAME DAY ( i repeated that 5 to 8 times ) I was furious I was annoyed but then my mom came out and said wtf happened then my brother started speaking he was speaking nonsense then complete gibberish then just moaning and groning noises and tried to punch my mom after pushing him away then I ran after him and he was trying to speak and also hit me but I easily pushed him back and I saw my mom crying then I said WTFFFFF and woke up heart racing and scared
Dream date:
9 Oct 2024
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