Dream interpretation about Dog, Green
I dreamed about a German Shepherd wearing a green collar. In the dream, I heard the sliding door in the living room of my sister’s house—where I currently live—and thought someone had come inside. I have two daughters, so I immediately felt worried, wondering who had entered. My 28-year-old nephew, Angel, also lives here, so I called out his name. But when I yelled, I couldn’t hear my own voice, which made me anxious. I kept thinking, Why can’t I hear myself? Why can’t he hear me? My voice felt weak and unheard. Suddenly, a German Shepherd appeared. He looked at me, and in that moment, his gaze seemed to reassure me: No one came inside. It’s just me. I’m lost. As soon as I saw him, I was finally able to hear my own voice calling for Angel. But when I turned around, the dog was gone. Instead, I saw the shadow of a cat. I stood there, confused, thinking, Wasn’t that just a German Shepherd? Then I woke up.
Dream date:
19 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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