Dream interpretation about Searching, Car, Money, Phone, Abroad, Gossip
Hanging in various placeswith companions. I see some paper currency on the floor. I pick up and see thatsbits foreign. Im not familiar with it , it almost looks fake. Then i hold it up to the light and see intricate water marks in the paper and foreign writing and figures. Its asian or Arabic. I show my friend he doesn't want the light in his eyes. There are several bills. Im looking for itnit appears he puts into his pockets. We are in a car and see a cell phone and a car radio face on the sidewalk. We stop to pick it up . Im annoyed that its taking to long. Im in a hotel lobby with a small crowd mingling around, when a friend tells me a friend is entering and he gossips of her bad behavior. Im back in my car looking for something and find something else thats been missing, of no particular value , but still looking for something else
Dream date:
14 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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