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Dream About Church And Hotdog Booth

Dream interpretation about Friend, Church, Girl, Time, Uncle, Hotdog, Nun

Dream About Church And Hotdog Booth
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I had a dream where I was in church and we were meant to listen to some kids preform but the kids were all scattered in the pews. So while there's a performance something a part of the pew fell off and it rolled toward a guy. The guy kicked the part toward the alter. Then my uncle starts to lecture me that I shouldn't kick things in church. But then my cousin and I try explaining to him that it wasent my fault. I felt kinda hopeless and that he'd keep lecturing me, but he stopped. So anyways we are meant to hold hands with the person next to us and since I'm at the edge of the pew I have one person to hold hands with. It's some girl. so a nun lights a match stick and them puts it out and does the same to the other girl. I try connecting the two match stick together by pushing the burnt ends towards each other and in result it makes the girls match stick look smaller. She doesn't want it. She doesn't say why even tho I ask her. So when it came time for the prayer I just pretended to hold her hand. Then when mass ended there was a hotdog booth. My friend Dáithí went there and he tried ordering in English, but since it was a polish church the girl didn't understand him. I decided to translate for Dáithí but the girl has this mean look on her face and didnt wanna serve him he eventually gave up so I decided to ask her if I can have his tray if I order something and she said I could. I was asking her questions abt the sauces and all that and she was very quiet and very slow. When it got to the price, I couldn't hear her. I decided to give her my phone so she could write it down. But when she gave it back to me it said 1:01, so I ask her it it costs 1 euro. She doesn't say anything she just packs up. I look at the time and it says 19:01. So I assume she doesn't wanna serve me cuz her shift ended. So I decide to take the tray and eat the fries while trying to find Dáithí. A very sneaky move cuz I don't think she noticed.

Dream date:

13 Mar 2025

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Did you know, Blaze? 67.8% of dreamers have secretly tried to hold hands with someone during a church service, but only 32.4% have successfully connected their matchsticks without burning their fingers! 🔥👫


This dream was recurring 1 times last week

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