Dream interpretation about Car accident, Escape, Job, Water, Parking Lot
In my dream a neighbor an old man was backing out of his garage he saw me coming slowed down I went pasted him and he damaged my car the back of my car. And as he pulled out I tried to follow him to get his license and registration and insurance info and he escaped and I lost him in the traffic. I tried to look for the accident on my dashcam on my urgent info camera and tried to record it before it got lost in the other recordings. It said that the accident happened on the 21st. Then I went to the parking lot to check in my car I saw this car next to my car and looked suspicious as I went to my car he pulled off then came back and I told him to leave me alone. Then in another part of my dream there was this vertical street you had to drive up to get to the other part of the rode that was above and this big black sub escalate was in front of me and it kept trying to go up the road and it feel into the water and the car was floating and the driver got out. It was too big to go up that vertical road. And in the last part of my dream I went to move my car and everybody and all these cars were in the parking lot it was a big commotion. I went to my car to get printer paper for my job and to move my parking space.
Dream date:
10 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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