Dream interpretation about Sex, Car, Airport, House, Toilet, People
We are on Maslorca and want to buy a new house. We are looking at a bigger house and decide to buy it. We are in the house again and I realize it is very big. More like a hostel or a vacation park. All of a sudden it is full of peopel. Crowded. I talk to a few people. The vibe is bad. Everyone is complaining about each other. I sit somewhere and I realize ‚I don‘t want that house.‘ it‘s urgent because we might still be able to begg out. I can‘t reach Borg. So I try and look for him. Ask people if they have seen him. All of a sudden I gind myself having sex with some guy. A woman is there as well. It‘s great sex. I love it. But I have to pee. It‘s distracting me more and more. Do I interrupt to go to the toilet. The guy continues with the other woman and I don‘t like it. I‘m looking for a toilet. Hard to find. I like the house even less. It gross, it‘s dirty. I find one and there is a bucket full if used toilet paper and I think : we threw ours in the toilet all those years. It‘s probably not ok. Then I‘m in a car. Borg is in another car behind me. More people. We are on the way to the airport. We have to hurry. We start seeing beoken fown cars on the way to the airport. More and more. Than around a corner is a massive accidents. Cars piled up. We just managed to stop on time. We get out. No insured people. No people at all. I‘m worried about cars behind us and that we need to put up signs. I realize we were so lucky. I just want to get the cars out of the way to not miss our flight. I start taking photos of the cars for the police…
Dream date:
18 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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