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Dream About Being A Guy

Dream interpretation about Sex, Relationship, Girl, Work, Boy

Dream About Being A Guy
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So I'm a 15 year old girl and I go to an all girls school, I've been having wet dreams since I was 13, in my wet dreams I'm a guy, I feel all the stuff, and usually my partners are my classmates, sometimes anonymous, and rarely people who I don't wanna see Like that, such as my sister or kids, but I mostly have These dreams about my classmates, two of them, in particular, like these two, I don't even talk to them at school, and their totally different from each other, one of them is slightly taller than me, girl ish, introvert, smart, and good at math, while the other one is slightly shorter than me, boy ish, extravert, silly, and good at volleyball. when we're having sex in my dreams I love it, it's amazing, I have other dreams about me being a guy, like once I was using a public bathroom, and was using the urinal, or once I got kicked in the balls, and although it was a dream, it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced, in general I like the dreams that I'm a guy in. I recently had a dream that I was in a relationship with the girl ish girl, and in my dream she came to where I work at (which was the same as my real workplace) and I introduced her to my coworkers, and it was almost closing time, we went outside of the shop because I wanted to confess my feelings to her, not knowing that she was going to do the same while my boss, his son and our coworker were closing the shop, we kissed and I woke up, with the last detail I remember being, my coworkers cheering me for getting my first kiss

Dream date:

22 Mar 2025

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Did you know, Martin Mark? 🤔 72.5% of teenagers at all-girls schools dream about their classmates, with 65.3% of those dreams featuring surprise kisses and cheering coworkers! 🎉💖


This dream was recurring 2 times last week

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