Dream interpretation about Birthday, Woman, Bag, Coffee
I was in a coffee shop, but it wasn't a typical coffee shop. It was more like a Turkish or Middle Eastern coffee shop. I met up with a small group of friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. I gifted the birthday girl a bag of coffee beans. The bag was a rich blood red shade and said "Roma" in gold letters. After the party I was sitting with a friend and several handsome young men approached me to tell me in their language how beautiful I was. One of them said I was more beautiful than the women in their country. I said thank you, but I didn't like that particular compliment because I felt like their women were just as, if not, more beautiful than me. I felt like they were being disrespectful to the women around them to garner my attention for some reason. The compliments seemed disingenuous.
Dream date:
9 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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