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20 Sep 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was designing jewellery again. I felt so confident in my beautiful office. I woke up feeling ready to do it again.

20 Sep 2024



I had a dream that i was watching a movie with my cousin nora. In a packed theatre. And i kept leaving the theatre periodically and it was a landscape full of snow but it was on a cliff and i couldnt make out what was passed it really well. Later on i was back inside dillards with my sister and we were shopping and and looking at all these beautiful bedazzled clothes but one in particular stuck out to me it was a blouse made of primarily flower shapes that went out like a butterfly in the chest area and it was yellow flowers at the chest and pink at the waist I think. Its hard to remember the colors from my dream but yellow was definitely one of them. One of the bad managers i had at dillards kept following me around so i had to leave it then come back and find it with my sister to steal it since i wasnt gonna spend any money at a place that fired me. After that i met a girl and she was very pretty with fair skin and wavy black hair. We became good friends and we needed to use the restroom. The restroom ended up being decorated with ocean theme and sea creatures on the walls. I became so terrified in the dream. I looked into the vast bathroom and turned back around saying i cant do it. Im scared. She went straight into the bathroom to the last bathroom on the left before the larger handicap stall and while she walked there she said she didnt understand but that i can do it and she can help me. I walked deeper down to be waiting outside her stall crying and hugging myself the whole way. When she finally came out to see me and say it was ready and that she would be there to support me she looked into my eyes and realized just how scared i was. She seemed to show genuine concern for me and she asked me if i was ready to go pee. I said what about i use the next stall as i started to walk toward the handicap stall since it seemed to have less ocean theme on the wall looking at the tall walls around the bathroom. But she grabbed my arm and said no, not that one trust me. Thats when i met her eyes and realized that she had already checked the stalls for me and the one she chose was the least scary one for me without the scariest creatures lining the walls. I was scared but i went into the stall to pee but was instantly met with sharks lining the walls like a moving screemsaver and the one behind the toilet i was supposed to use swam right at me with its mouth coming open to attack me. It wS just a wallpaper but i was scared regardless. My friend hugged me as soon as she saw the shark coming at me from the wallpaper and took me away from it. Even tho i was scared i felt safe when she hugged me and took care of me. We left the bathroom and i dont remember much else of my dream




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Sep 2024



I was adventuring through a very large mall, a shopping mall, and there was a dense crowd everywhere, a crowd of people walking hurriedly everywhere. And when I ran through these specific stairs and flights, I came across my own mom who was there. I think she was looking for me in there, but I did not want to interact with her in any way, so I just tried to hide behind her back or run away from her while I heard her comment that I look so manly with my short hair and then she laughs, and I didn't like that comment in the dream and in real life, but I had these people to lead from one place to another inside the big shopping mall, and it was kind of like a shopping mall and a school building melded together with so many elevator stairs and actual elevators and regular stairs going everywhere, and all this commotion of large crowds going their way, and this constant hum, hum and huffing in the background, and I was trying to lead these, I think they were like middle schoolers, a big bunch of them, I was successful in leading them through this other crowd, while trying to avoid being seen by my mother.

20 Sep 2024

Abandoned home


Japanese Villas I was walking down a road T intersection, on the side of the road I saw a house that I called a villa, it has white paint all over, it has windows, the pavement is connected to its front door and garage, every side of it is filled with bush and tall shrubs, only the tilted front is visible. Then my mom appeared and pulled me from the side to the east, I then turned around with my mom and reached a bunch of Japanese villas that has a rose flower theme. I saw my grandmother, grandfather, and my cousin sitting in a round table outside the villa, then I entered the villa, there was a short square table, There sat my aunt and my older cousin, Rahma, there is also my father and my sister opposite to them. My father and my mother then discuss something with them. I played with my sister after that

20 Sep 2024



I get a message from my mate Nick an old friend I have had since I was 16. We are going to hang out but the plans are changing and I am asked to meet him at a person's house I have never met. I meet him there and his oldest friend Kayla there, there are a bunch of people there whom I have never met who give off weird vibes and make me uncomfortable. I am left out of the groups, Kayla and Nick keep disappearing into another room. I decided to draw something as I am getting bored, make a mistake and go to get my eraser, when I get back I notice the people that I don't know have drawn all over my drawing and stuff and are quietly waiting my return while grinning and whispering to one another. I decide to go find Nick and Kayla as I don't want to be around these people anymore. They are in another room watching TV with another woman so I decided to join them, but things seems weird and off in this room too like I am not welcome, things are feeling awkward. Eventually Kayla changes where she is sitting to the couch where I am sitting and so does Nick, it is really cramped and I think Kayla steps on my mobile and crushes it, I say to her that I think she just broke my phone and then realised it was her phone, I find my phone and apologies for saying that she broke mine and she snaps at me, yelling at me for accusing her of that grabs my phone and throws it causing the screen to smash and I turn to her and say what the hell you actually just broke my phone and then she gets so mad at me and won't even look at me or my phone. I decide to leave and pack my things up and Nick then turns to me and tells me that Kayla thinks we shouldn't be friends anymore and should part ways. I get really emotional and confused, I try to make sense of it and start dissociating and starring off to space, she then takes it back and hugs me, I rt more confused and anxious and wake up.

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