T’nia Hardy, your dream is rich with symbolism and deeply connected to your current emotional state. The water mark on your right eye suggests a blockage or an emotional veil that is preventing you from seeing things clearly. This could be tied to your frequent feelings of stress and sadness, which may cloud your perspective, making it difficult to navigate through life smoothly. The locker room can symbolize a place of transition and vulnerability. It's an area where people tend to be exposed and unguarded, which might indicate that you are feeling especially vulnerable or exposed in your current life circumstances, particularly given your recent financial stress.
Your movement between your mom, uncle, and cousins in the dream signifies a journey between different aspects of your family dynamics. This could indicate a desire for support and connection within your family, or perhaps a struggle to balance different familial expectations or roles. The repeated back and forth suggests a sense of obligation or a feeling of being pulled in multiple directions, which might be contributing to your anxiety and depressive symptoms.
The inability to see properly due to the water mark on your eye and the need to navigate through a space that demands physical movement (the locker room) could also reflect the internal struggle of trying to move forward in life without clear vision or direction. This aligns with your feelings of rarely feeling refreshed after sleep, indicating that your mind is not getting the rest it needs to process and heal.