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Dream Of Selling Condom And Being Approached For Sex

Dream interpretation about Sex, Jealousy

Dream Of Selling Condom And Being Approached For Sex
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This dream was about

a guy told me to sell the condome so i go to sell it the guy i sell it suddenly say disha you want sex i pay you for sex i say ok then have intemaciy sean the guy telling me i pay you in futer alswy all guy looking at you for sex im jelouse disha

Dream date:

2 Jun 2024

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Emotional tone:

Feeling of jealousy and discomfort in a dream scenario involving intimacy and selling a condom.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was highly intense and emotionally charged, making it a memorable experience.


The dream had elements of reality mixed with fantasy, making it a surreal experience.


The dream was vivid and detailed, with clear images and sensations.


The dream had some coherence but also included disjointed elements, creating a mix of reality and fantasy.

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AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Dishu, your dream presents a complex mix of emotions and experiences that may reflect your subconscious thoughts and fears. The presence of the guy in your dream who tells you to sell a condom and then offers to pay you for sex may symbolize feelings of vulnerability and exploitation. This scenario could represent a fear of being taken advantage of or a struggle with setting boundaries in your relationships. The intimacy scene that follows may reflect a desire for connection and closeness, but the transactional nature of the encounter suggests a conflict between your emotional needs and the external pressures you may feel. The repeated mention of being paid for sex and feeling jealousy could indicate a deep-seated concern about being objectified or feeling inadequate in your relationships. These emotions could stem from past experiences, as you mentioned traumatic events in your onboarding questionnaire. The dream seems to highlight your inner turmoil and the impact of these experiences on your sense of self-worth and intimacy. It's crucial to explore these feelings and experiences in a safe and supportive environment to address any underlying issues and work towards healing.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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