Dream interpretation about Husband, Car, Money, Driving, Water
I dreamt that I was home with my husband. It was our home but different. We were watching his ex wife’s child. We had a monitor in our room that let us see outside and the child was leaving with his mom (my husbands exwife) the child starting crying and screaming and didn’t want to go. Then my dream changed to me driving. We were driving along a highway. My husband, my son and I. I hit something on the road the made the car go flying off the road into water. I was magically outside of the car and swimming and getting both my husband and son out. The car did not sink. I actually was able to start it up and drive it out of the water. I drive it to a repair place. Where they charged me a fortune to fix but I realized I didn’t need to get it fixed. The repair man followed me to a place I was dwelling and insisted I pay $500 for a part I felt I didn’t need.
Dream date:
24 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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