Mya, the dream where your best friend died is profoundly impactful and carries multiple layers of meaning. The death of someone close to you in a dream often symbolizes the end of a significant relationship or a major shift in your life. Given your current circumstances, it could be reflecting some of the stressors or changes you are experiencing. It might be helpful to consider if there are any aspects of your relationship with your friend that are changing or need attention.
Additionally, dreams of death can signify the end of one phase and the beginning of another. This could be a metaphor for transformation within yourself, especially given the life-changing events you’ve been navigating, such as financial stress, traumatic experiences, health issues, and relationship difficulties. The dream might be your subconscious mind processing these changes and preparing you for new beginnings.
The intense emotions associated with the dream could also be a manifestation of your frequent anxiety and occasional sadness. When we are under stress, our dreams can become more vivid and emotionally charged. The loss in the dream could be an expression of your fears and anxieties about losing people who are important to you or about changes that feel out of your control.
Furthermore, given that you sometimes have difficulty falling asleep and feel refreshed only occasionally, this dream might be a reflection of your overall sleep quality and the underlying stress you are experiencing. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and give yourself space to process them.