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Dream About Visiting Friends House Disgusting Encounter

Dream interpretation about Husband, House, Bed, Boy

Dream About Visiting Friends House Disgusting Encounter
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This dream was about

I was visiting my friend Silvana in her house, but she wasn't there. She has two kids, a boy and a girl, and the girl was also not there. So I was just with the husband, and the husband looked very different. It wasn't her husband, but in the dream it was her husband, much older. And the husband explained everything to me in the house. I kind of knew the house, but he explained everything. And it felt like I was supposed to clean up. He showed me where I have to put everything away and how to clean up. I remember there were a few things that were my things, like a blanket that is in my house here. They were all of a sudden there, as if they were his now. So he was showing all of this to me, and then it became clear that I had to sleep in his bed. I didn't really want to. And then he leaned in to kiss me or to say something to me. His face was very close to mine, and then he had to sneeze. I didn't hear what happened. I just felt this yank on my face, this salty in my mouth, my nose, my eyes. And he said, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, but it was all over me and I was so disgusted. I tried to clean myself up and not show how disgusted I was. And then I remember that we dropped off his boy somewhere very early at a weird place where I was thinking, is it good to bring him? It was like 5.30 when we dropped him off.

Dream date:

27 Apr 2024

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AI-generated Dream Radar

AI-generated Dream Analysis


👧 women of your age from 🇳🇱 had dreams about Flying by 36.6% less than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream had a mix of emotions, from familiarity to discomfort and disgust.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dream was intense, particularly during the uncomfortable interaction with the husband figure.


The dream had elements of realism, but also included unusual and unexpected scenarios.


The dream was fairly vivid, with clear details and a strong sense of presence in the environment.


The dream had a moderate level of coherence, with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar elements.

Dream symbols









AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Chris, your dream where you were visiting your friend Silvana's house reveals several intriguing themes. Being in a familiar yet altered environment, with a person who is both known and unknown to you, suggests a sense of navigating uncharted territories in your own life. The older version of Silvana's husband, who was not really her husband, might symbolize wisdom, guidance, or authority that you are encountering. The fact that you're expected to clean up and that your own belongings are integrated into this space implies a merging of your personal identity with external responsibilities or roles you may be taking on. Your reluctance to sleep in his bed, yet feeling obligated to, could reflect a situation where you feel compelled to conform to expectations or to fill a role that you are not entirely comfortable with. The sneezing incident, and your reaction to it, highlights a vulnerability to unexpected and unpleasant experiences. The fact that you tried to clean up discreetly indicates a strong sense of composure and resilience in the face of discomfort. Connecting this dream to your previous experiences, there's a recurring theme of houses and the ambivalence towards them, which may suggest an ongoing exploration of personal space, comfort, and the boundaries of hospitality. In one of your earlier dreams, you were enthusiastic about entering a house that turned out to be much grander than expected. In contrast, another dream involved a house purchase that ultimately led to dissatisfaction and a desire to retract the decision. These varying experiences with houses might reflect your inner feelings about the structure and order in your life, as well as your evolving attitudes towards personal commitments and social interactions. The act of cleaning and organizing in the dream also resonates with past dreams where you found yourself in service roles, such as offering cookies, which could be indicative of your nurturing side or a sense of duty to care for or please others. The consistent early mornings in your dreams may signify new beginnings or the start of a journey, albeit sometimes with hesitation or concern. Overall, it appears that your subconscious is navigating themes of identity, responsibility, and interpersonal boundaries. Your dreams might be inviting you to consider where you feel a sense of ownership and belonging in your life, and where you may be taking on roles that do not entirely resonate with your true self. They seem to encourage a reflection on how you manage unexpected situations and your willingness to embrace or reject the roles and expectations imposed upon you.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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