Dream interpretation about Fight, Happy, Friends, School, Uniform
My school uniform got changed to an itchy orange tartan jumper and a polo shirt. My mum and dad waved me off and I went to school really happy. When I got there all of my friends were moody about the new uniform but I was absolutely in love with it. They complained that it was itchy and we went to PE in the new PE kit. They liked it better. We did high jump in PE. After a boy from my class wanted to meet up with me at break and I agreed. At brake we played with my yoyo and I won. He was shocked I could do good tricks but payed 50p and got mocked by his friends. I stood up for him and he went red. They kept saying he had to get a girl to defend him and then a fight broke out which was broke apart by a teacher. I would say the boy won the fight. My freinds were still complaining about the uniform but I sold it to them that it was great.
Dream date:
3 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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