Jantzen, the dream you've shared is quite symbolic, and it seems to reflect a subconscious negotiation with the concept of negativity and the influence it has on you. Standing around a table with an unfamiliar yet comforting woman can signify a meeting of the conscious and the subconscious. This woman, who you do not recognize but to whom you look for guidance, may represent an aspect of your inner wisdom or intuition, guiding you through your current life stage as a young adult navigating the complexities of the world.
Asking about negative energy and how to deal with it suggests an active concern in your waking life about the impact of negative influences. The fact that you're seeking guidance indicates a desire to understand or find strategies to cope with these energies. The lady's response, involving the hot tea, is particularly interesting. Tea in dreams can symbolize comfort or routine, but her act of spitting it in your face disrupts this symbolism. It's as if to say that the usual comforts or routines are not sufficient to address the worries you're facing about negativity.
The woman's rhetorical question is a profound moment in your dream. It hints at the idea that negative energy, much like the hot tea, is something that can be consumed and expelled without harm if you do not let it affect you. In essence, her actions seem to suggest that it is not the presence of negative energy that matters, but your reaction to it. This could be reflective of your conscious or subconscious efforts to understand how to maintain a sense of control and emotional stability in the face of challenges.
Considering your age and the transitional phase of life you might be in, it's not uncommon to explore such themes in your dreams. You're at a point where you might be establishing your identity, values, and beliefs. The negative energy in your dream could symbolize the external pressures or internal doubts that often accompany this life stage.
The absence of fear or negative feelings in your dream implies that while you are concerned about these influences, you're not overwhelmed by them. This dream doesn't appear to be a reflection of anxiety or deep-seated fears but rather a contemplation of how to effectively navigate and manage negative influences in your life.
Remember, Jantzen, this interpretation is based on the symbols and scenarios you provided from your dream. It's a snapshot of what your subconscious may be communicating to you. If this dream resonates with you, it might be worth reflecting on how you currently deal with negative energy or influences in your life and whether your approach aligns with the wisdom imparted by the woman in your dream.