Dream interpretation about Friend, Darkness, Game, Couple, Forest
I was in this game show and we had to pick a square and then move to another square and if they smashed the square we picked we lost so I watched them pick my friend's square and smash my friend's square and he was out of the game and this couple were choosing the squares and I managed to survive all three rounds and the couple walked up to me and said oh your friend's gone and gave me a pat on the back and I looked over at my friend and lost and then we were walking to the next level and it was getting darker and darker so it was so dark I couldn't see but I was going through this forest like place with all these vines and I finally came through to the other side to the next round and the couple and a few other people were there and I was looking at the couple like right I'm going to get them out the next round.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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