Dream interpretation about Couple, Girl, Guy, Video Game, Bed
I fell back asleep and was with three guys and a girl. They were all into me, flirted and didn’t seem to mind that they were all there for the same goal, me. It was similar to my room but bigger, my bed was the same but there was a couch next to the bed this time. We all hung out and I think played video games by taking turns. They stayed overnight. The girl and a guy slept in the bed with me, another guy slept on the couch, and the last one slept on the floor. When we all woke up they got dressed with me, I was helping the girl get dressed and she helped me too, we had similar tight dresses on. The clothes were familiar but I don’t actually have them. The guy that slept on the floor left first, then the one on the couch left. The guy that slept in the bed with me was about to leave next, smiling at me like he knows something. I stayed with the girl who seemed to be the most into me other than the guy sleeping in my bed and then woke up.
Dream date:
28 Feb 2025
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