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Dream About Facility Secret Room Giant Robot Stadium Bathroom

Dream interpretation about Harassment, Stalker, Friends, Stadium, TV, Trouble

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Although I can’t remember every detail, I can still remember the majority of my 2 dreams from last night. 1st dream: My friends and I were at some facility in a giant building. We mostly watched tv while we where there. One time, we watched the show “Hoarders” while we were eating lunch. Another time, we put a “Tom and Jerry” dvd into the tv and watched it in the lobbys lounge. Unfortunately, the dvd was scratched and it couldn’t play the show properly. And I guess that got us in trouble because after watching the dvd, my friends and I ran away and found a secret room. We hung out in that room for a bit before I noticed a girl getting harassed outside. I went to help her and stopped the harassers. Immediately after that, I friend built a giant robot that destroyed the facility. 2nd dream: My second dream started off with dream me trying to find a way to get rid of her stalker. She tried everything, cars, maps, quizzes, but for some reason, she never tried getting a restraining order. Anyways, dream me eventually ended up at a stadium. There were a bunch of people there. Some where friends, some were strangers. That didn’t stop them from daring each other though. One of the strangers got dared to wear high heels. He put them on and immediately fell down because he didn’t know how to walk in them. Eventually, he took the shoes off and gave me. I put them on, spot my stalker in the crowd, and run away. I run to the stadium that’s right next-door and find my sister there. She tells me that there are these two goats that won’t leave her alone and that she’s tried everything to get rid of them. In an attempt to help her, I find the goats and try to lead them out of the stadium. Unfortunately, they just cornered me and I trapped in the handicap bathroom. The bathroom was huge, and the toilet was low to the ground. Not to mention, it was small and made of metal. It had a really long handle for no reason and a black lid. There was also a mirror and a paper-towel dispenser. And, finally, there was a bunch of random boxes and containers inside the bathroom. While I was in there, I did my best to keep the door closed, but the lock was all messed up. It would work for a few minutes before it stopped working. This caused the door to swing open several times while I was in the bathroom. That wasn’t the only weird thing though. The longer I stayed in the bathroom, the more things started to change. The items that where in the bathroom would move around, things would appear and disappear, and the toilet would flush on its own, along with moving its lid up and down. After a while, I heard a loud horn come from outside the bathroom. I went to see what it was about and discovered that the game the stadium was holding was over. After that, I went to find my sister. She was grabbing her stuff and was walking to the back of the stadium. I followed her and saw another bathroom. Only this time, it was a stall bathroom. (The ones that have multiple toilets divided by stall walls and doors.) I decided to use one since I never used the one in the handicapped bathroom. However, the stall that I entered didn’t have a toilet, just pipes. I sighed and left the bathroom before heading back home with my sister. And then I got up and told the dream app about my dreams.

Dream date:

27 Apr 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Friends by 16.9% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dreams had a mix of excitement and concern, with moments of bravery and fear


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The dreams were intense and kept me engaged throughout


Some elements were realistic, but others were fantastical and surreal


The dreams were highly vivid and detailed, with clear imagery and strong sensations


The dreams had a good flow, but some parts felt disjointed or fragmented

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Helen, it sounds like you had quite the adventurous dreams last night, filled with a range of scenarios that seem to reflect a blend of daily life, social interactions, and perhaps some subconscious processing of stressors or challenges. In your first dream, the act of watching TV with friends in a facility and then discovering a scratched DVD leading to trouble hints at an underlying theme of frustration with imperfections or disruptions in your social environment. Escaping to a secret room could symbolize a desire for a safe space or retreat from real-life scenarios that may not be going as planned. Helping the girl outside shows your protective instincts and willingness to stand up for others, a quality that's admirable and might be a reflection of your values and personal integrity. The giant robot destroying the facility could represent an internal sense of power and control, or perhaps a subconscious wish to dismantle and rebuild aspects of your life that you're not satisfied with. Moving on to the second dream, trying to evade a stalker with various methods but not choosing a restraining order could suggest a feeling of being pursued by something in waking life—perhaps a problem or a persistent thought that you haven't directly confronted. The stadium and the dares could be a metaphor for life's challenges and the social dynamics you navigate. The stranger struggling with high heels might be a humorous commentary on stepping into roles or situations that feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Finding yourself trapped in a handicap bathroom with shifting contents and a faulty lock could reflect feelings of being stuck in a situation that's constantly changing, and perhaps the challenge of finding stability amidst chaos. Noticing a connection to previous dreams, particularly the recurring theme of bathrooms—like the giant bathroom with technological devices in the toilet bowl from an earlier dream—indicates a preoccupation with cleansing, privacy, or personal space. Bathrooms in dreams often relate to the most private aspects of our lives, including the need to confront and cleanse ourselves of personal issues or emotions. Helen, it seems your dreams are rich with symbols that may relate to your current life stage, such as navigating complex social situations, seeking personal space, and dealing with challenges that require you to assert control or seek refuge. Considering you're in the 18-25 age range, these themes are quite common as you're likely encountering new experiences and responsibilities that test your boundaries and require you to adapt and assert yourself in new ways.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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