Dream interpretation about Sex, Alcohol, Video Game, Bed
I was getting drunk and falling all over the place so slowed up on my drinking. There were people watching me. I wanted more alcohol. The bottle shop was right there so I went to buy another box. Then the work chick wanted to fuck me so I started fucking her for ages too. We were having so much fun. After a while, I wanted to get some ps4 games to play so I went to the store and the store girl said we could fuck too so I picked a game or 2. They were so cheap, like 13 bucks each. I picked a soccer game then started fucking the girl for a while. Then I stopped and went and told my mate. Then I went to sleep and when I woke I needed to wake her to get the keys off her too leave. But she wanted to wait till morning so I waited and laid in bed, when morning came I sort of realized I could of grab the keys at anytime...
Dream date:
6 Feb 2025
Emotional tone:
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