Dream interpretation about Fire, Secret, Car, Family, Birds, Helicopter
me and josh were in the car parked up and i saw a car tip onto its front wheels trying to park and then it did it again and flipped onto a car and rolled onto us. we were okay and very calm about it. then we got checked over and was all fine. then i was escorting blind whoopi goldberg around salendine nook and people were talking about birds in the sky so i looked up and there was a weird shape. at first we thought it was a dragon then it go closer and we realised if was a helicopter with broken propeller and was come down fast so we all started to run and it crashed into man city football stadium behind nook fisheries. it was a big fire with som sort of whirlpool sucking down the players that were training into it. so i took whoopi home pissed off cos she was faking being blind and i went home to meet josh and us and the kids tidied the house and sorted through some secret charity boxes to see what we’d like to keep. pretty chill in the end
Dream date:
22 Feb 2025
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