Dream interpretation about Friend, Moving, House, Creepy
So, last night's dream was interesting, because I was, I either bought a house, yeah, I think I bought a house, that seemed like it was the common theme of it anyway, I had bought this house, uh, it's a cute house, old house, um, old wood floors, it had really, it had like old leather todges in it, and the kitchen needed updating, um, when you walked in the door, it was like into the living room, the kitchen was off to the right, you walk straight back, there's a stairwell, like right in front of you, and then if you go around the stairwell to the back of the house, there's, um, a bedroom back there, and then upstairs, two more bedrooms and a bathroom, uh, tons of people were helping me move into this house, um, the only one person that I knew that was helping me move was Haley, and she is my best friend, and, um, so she was there, but she has been with me for every move I've ever made, so, anyway, um, so, yeah, I moved into this house, and, for some reason, it was kind of creepy, and I was a little scared of the house, but, um, nothing that really liked.
Dream date:
20 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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